主题: kindeditor4 语法高亮 无作用 |
作者: wangwangqi, 发布日期: 2014-03-14 09:35:57, 浏览数: 1869 |
Win 7 浏览器版本: IE8 KindEditor版本: 4 BUG再现步骤: 1. 选择"插入程序代码" 插入C 代码, 但是没有语法高亮. 2. 3. 期望结果: 应该有作用.
#ifdef CUST_PERIODIC_WAKEUP_CHECK /*******************************************************************************//** Customized periodic wake-up checking. \param[in] period Checking time interval in 75Hz units (75 for 1 second interval) (0 to check wake-up request) \return int \retval 1 Wake up \retval 0 Do not wake up \b Note: This function is for custom applications. Wake-up request is checked periodically at a given interval. ***********************************************************************************/ int CUST_Periodic_Wakeup_Check(int period) { static int wakeup_check_period = 75; // default interval in 75Hz units. static int last_wakeup_check_time = 0; int wakeup_ready = 0; if (period > 0) { wakeup_check_period = period; last_wakeup_check_time = RISC_linear_time4; return 0; } if (((int)RISC_linear_time4 - last_wakeup_check_time) < wakeup_check_period) { return 0; } last_wakeup_check_time = RISC_linear_time4; wakeup_check_timer = 2; // enable to check wake-up key // customize wake-up checking here. (e.g., check with HSCOMM by polling method.) // set wakeup_ready = 1 if need to wake-up from sleep mode. // wakeup_ready = CUST_Wakeup_Check(); if (wakeup_ready) { PushKey(_WAKEUP_KEY); // wake-up return 1; } return 0; } #endif //CUST_PERIODIC_WAKEUP_CHECK typedef struct SLEEP_SAVE_s { int irq_mask; int dve_ctrl1; int dve_ctrl2; int reg_audiodsd; int volume; } SLEEP_SAVE_t; |